Patient Center

At Art & Science Family Dentistry, we do everything possible to give you an affordable, efficient experience. Dr. Kinney, and the Team are excited to do so by providing many resources, including:

Our dentists invite you to contact us today if you are interested in learning more about the benefits of our dental care in Woodbury, Minnesota. We look forward to hearing from you!

Financial Options

Our team at Art & Science Family Dentistry is committed to providing you with a positive, streamlined experience each time you visit us. We offer a number of convenient financial options to accommodate your family’s needs. We accept HealthPartners® and a number of other dental insurance plans; please feel free to contact our office to verify that we accept your insurance plan. We are also happy to accept the following forms of payment:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Credit Cards
  • CareCredit
  • Smile Savers
  • Custom Financing

We offer a 5% discount if you pay with cash at the time of your service or a 3% discount if you pay with a credit card. CareCredit is a third-party financing company that offers low-interest payment plans so you can have the care you need. Our dentists are also happy to work with you to create a custom, in-house financing plan. Drs. Kinney, Musser, and Kinney invite you to contact us today if you would like more information about your financial options or about our high-quality dentistry in Woodbury, Minnesota.

No insurance? No worries! For many people, dental insurance can be prohibitively expensive and may also be surprisingly limited. That is why Art & Science Family Dentistry has developed the Smile Saver program. Now everyone in your family can get the quality dental care they need, without the cost and hassle of dental insurance.

What are the advantages?
For an affordable annual fee, Smile Saver entitles your family to all the preventive care they need, including cleanings, exams, X-rays, and fluoride treatments. Furthermore, you receive 15% savings on all other dental services, including restorative and cosmetic procedures. There is no annual maximum on savings, no claims to submit, and no waiting period. And it is you and your dentist, not an insurance company, that decide what dental care is important.

Annual Fees
Standard Hygiene:

  • Adults – $375/person
  • Children under 12 – $375/child

Periodontal Maintenance:

  • 3x/year – $650/person

Note that standard hygiene does not include periodontal treatment.

If you would like to learn about the Smile Saver program at Art & Science Family Dentistry, please call our office here in Woodbury, Minnesota. We are dedicated to providing quality, affordable dental care. Our dentists can’t wait to see you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Many people may not even realize they have bad breath, but at some point, everyone suffers from this undesirable condition. Bad breath can come from a variety of reasons, including certain foods, poor oral hygiene, gum disease, certain diets, and even dehydration. To prevent bad breath, we recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily, use a tongue scraper to clean bacteria from the back of your mouth, visit a dental professional frequently, drink plenty of water (it washes bacteria away), and use mouthwash.

Our dentists recommend that you brush and floss frequently to remove the bacteria and plaque that leads to gum disease. To prevent plaque from building up, we recommend that you brush at least twice a day. Use small circular motions and point your toothbrush towards the gum line. Generally, an electronic toothbrush is a good tool to utilize. We also recommend that you floss daily. We may recommend that you use a floss holder if you struggle with standard floss. Rinse your mouth with water after meals if you are unable to brush.

Amalgam fillings are made from a combination of metals and are used to fill teeth. Some studies claim that these fillings are unhealthy; however, most believe that amalgam fillings are safe. While mercury is a toxic material (mercury is a component of amalgam fillings), it becomes inactive when combined with the other materials in a filling.

In general, we recommend that you visit our office at least once every six months for a dental exam and cleaning. These routine visits allow our dentists and team to make certain that your smile is in good health. Based on your specific dental needs, we may suggest more frequent appointments to ensure that you stay in optimal oral health.

Evaluation for gingivitis and periodontitis occurs at every hygiene appointment. In general, we recommend that you visit our office at least once every six months for a dental exam and cleaning. These routine visits allow our dentists and team to make certain that your smile is in good health. Based on your specific dental needs, we may suggest more frequent appointments to ensure that you stay in optimal oral health.

Brushing your teeth can remove the food debris, plaque, and tartar from all of the visible surfaces of the teeth. However, brushes cannot reach those areas where the teeth hug together. Furthermore, these areas are very susceptible to decay. Flossing also stimulates the gum tissue, increasing blood flow to the gums and decreasing bacteria along the gum line. For these reasons, it is important to floss daily.

If you are not completely satisfied with the appearance of your smile, Drs. Kinney, Musser, and Kinney can provide you with many services. We are able to brighten your smile, replace old, unattractive dental fillings, and correct chips, gaps, stains, and crooked teeth.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain designed to cover your teeth and transform your smile. These durable veneers can be made to match the color, shape, and size of your smile. If there are things that you have noticed in your smile that you are interested in changing, please talk to us about a customized smile design.

We offer many services to help you attain your radiant smile. Some of the options you may choose include over-the-counter solutions, professional trays for at-home teeth whitening, and professional in-office whitening.

We understand you want the very best dental care possible, and you should, you deserve that. Our entire Care Team works hard to deliver this to you every single day. [See Our Commitment] Our skilled dentists provide dental care and cosmetic dentistry; serving residents of Oakdale, Maplewood, Hudson, Afton, Cottage Grove, South St. Paul, West Lakeland, and surrounding Woodbury communities. Call (651) 739-1894 today to set an appointment.

Request An Appointment

If you would like to learn more about our dental care, please feel free to contact us today. We take our job seriously, and we enjoy taking care of our patients. We are excited to hear from you!